Huddle board meetings will now take place fortnightly on Wednesday.
Web page for customers to learn how to add comments to PDF’s
Weblink to be added to proofs when sent out via Filemaker
Fiona Wright.
Quantity requirements in units
Wording to be updated when sending proofs to customers
Fiona Wright.
Equipment within the department
Equipment to be listed as scrap / keep
Tom Bennett, Paul Betteridge, Fiona Wright
Tidiness of the department
Staff to wash up and put away – do not leave on the drainer
All staff
Activity board / huddle board for Walsall
Design team to create layout
Chetan Patel
Virtual tour about how to get to our department
Matt and Tom to produce a virtual tour
Debbie Somerfield, Matt Hubble, Tom Bennett.
Who’s who pics to be taken for the CI website
Job booked in – 14715214. Dates 13th and 15th Jan.
Amanda Dixon